Gord Lemon is a 30 year veteran in the real estate industry, participating in hundreds of deals in Canada and U.S. For over 17 years, Gord has shared this experience to over 7500 real estate investor students. __________________

The Real Estate Agent: ‘Investor Success System’ was created specifically for agents who want to 10X their business by working with clients who do multiple deals per year…year after year!


Hi, I’m Gord Lemon…founder of Real Estate Training Club.
Instead of writing this in 3rd person like someone else is writing it, I’m going to write this like I’m personally writing a letter to you, a friend and perhaps a future collegue.
I live in the Vancouver area with my wife, Kelita, after relocating from Toronto , where we lived a long time. Back in Toronto, I was involved in full time music ( as a musician, composer and producer ) and similtaneously, in full time real estate investing thoughout South Western Ontario and various U.S. locations.

At this point, you are probably wondering:

Is this guy worth my time and attention?

For many readers, my answer is probably NO.

Here’s why:

I CANNOT help you get rich quickly.

I can help change your business forever though.

For some reason, many real estate agents equate real estate with instant or fairly quick cash.

Of course, I get it. That’s actually how I got into real estate…My first ‘ investment ’ was flipping two spec homes in Mississauga back in 1987 and 88. I actually made some good money!

However, I “ rolled the dice ” again the next year and got caught in the Toronto real estate crash of 1989 and lost a ton of cash.

That’s when I learned that quick cash (and speculation) should not be part of my (or anyone’s) wealth plan.

I then became a Real Estate Agent in Toronto, mostly to gain MLS access to find deals. Unfortunately, I didn’t know anything about investing, so I didn’t know what I was looking for.

I then invested about $35,000 in myself via real estate investor training and have never looked back.

I now have consistant revenue coming in monthly from multiple properties…virtually on auto pilot.

Like most real estate investors, I am always looking for deals but HERE’S THE THING… l have dealt with literally hundreds of agents over 30 years, both in Canada and the U.S., and there have only been a handful who actually understand the needs of an investor and are able to provide deals which conform to my investment criteria.

These are the agents consistently making 6 and 7 figure annual commissions.They also have my loyalty and the loyalty of the other investors they work with. They are knowledgable, organized and work hard.

So, if you are not prepared to commit more effort to your business…then I’m probably not your guy.

If you don’t want to do key research, understand real estate niches and strategies, build a team of experts, create a market dominating market share, then you are not going to enjoy my trainings.

I don’t sell a miracle ‘done for you’ program. But here’s why I’m telling you this.

If you look at what you paid for your real estate agent training, your license fees, any ongoing training plus your desk fees and marketing materials…

  1. What did you learn about lead generation?
  2. What did you learn about building a team of experts around you?
  3. What did you actually learn about how real estate actually works? Let me guess…nothing! Nada! Zero!

How about from your Broker?

Most agents hear something like; “go out there and do some deals and make some money…oh, and your desk fees are due on the 1st of the month.”

Usually not alot of substantial training there (in fairness, some brokers do some sales training). But they are not training you to build 6 and 7 figure commissions.

What they also don’t tell you is the average success rate of their agents…let me tell you, it’s pretty darn low.

What I provide are proven systems created over thousands of hours in creating my own real estate portfolio and working with agents who understand the needs of an investor…and they are handsomely rewarded!

These systems have been broken down into a step by step process where you immediately apply what you learn in each module.

This accomplishes 2 things.

First, you are internalizing the learning because you are immedately applying it, and…

Secondly, the actions you are tasked with are designed to systematically build your real estate business, so at the end of the training you have a REAL business in a completely overlooked vertical.

At this point you are unstoppable!

If you are looking for the easy way, I don’t want to help you.

Ok, I CAN help you…I just won’t. I’m certainly capable, I simply refuse…Why?

Because when an agent wants the easy way, I’m hearing one of two things:

Either; “I’m not fully vested in the long term success of my own real estate business and am therefore not fully invested in my family’s financial future”.


I already work long hours just to do 4 – 5 deals per year…how can I take on anything else?

If reason number 2 is your situation, then I can actully help you.

I will show you how to put in the same effort and get much more ROI on your time than in the overly competitive retail market.

I’m sorry, but this does take getting educated and getting at it!

You’re still here? Good!

Here’s what you can expect of me.

I will teach you actionable strategies and tactics to become a real estate expert, form a team of experts around you, and create a REAL real estate business with unlimitted potential.

But you still might be wondering…

How Do I Know If Your Stuff Is Any Good?

Well, the smartest thing to do is to just get some of my free materials or check out some videos.

If you like it, you’ll probably like my trainings.

If you don’t like it, you won’t.

But I think I’m supposed to do the whole “self aggrandizing biography” thing now so here goes:

I started my Real Estate Investing career in 1986 by buying spec homes in an ‘up market’ until the market crashed.

At that time, I was early in my music career so the profits I made were life changing…as was the punch in the gut losses I had when the market crashed.

I became a real estate agent to access MLS to find deals, but didn’t know what I was looking at. I then got some U.S. real estate training (all that was available) and began buying multi-unit properties in Hamilton Ontario and then in various other cities in SW ON. I also began doing reno projects in these cities and in a couple suburbs of Detroit.

I was getting a first class education on project management, dealing with realtors, contractors, permits, city inspectors, financing , tenants and everything in between.

After being exposed to ‘every trick in the book’ by tenants, contractors, Realtors, and other ‘professionals’, I began creating systems and processes to find good tenants, to work with team members who had MY best interest at heart (not theirs) and really get to understand the investing side of real estate.

I got my mortgage sub-broker license mostly to immurse myself into the financing world and understand it, but I liked the work and remained a mortgage agent for 12 years while continuing to build my real estate portfolio.

During this time I began teaching for Canadian and U.S. training companies and writing for Canadian Real Estate Wealth Magazine.

I then began acquiring multi-unit properties in the U.S. around 2010 when the Canadian dollar was at par and people down there didn’t want to hear the word ‘real estate.’

It was through these experiences I realized real estate investing can’t be taught over a weekend…or even a few weekends.

It’s through hours of participating in the many aspects of it that you learn…and some of that is discovering you are working with bad partners, losing time, losing money and losing lots of sleep.

But learning through the trials, mistakes and experience of others (like me) can cut your mistakes down to a minimum and perhaps propel you years ahead in your career and help you dominate in your market.

That’s why I created this unique, one of a kind training specifically for Realtors.

When you can be guided though a step by step process, gain practical experience while learning new things, your success rate is both predictable and astronomical!

Here’s my first sales pitch to you:

Go to the Home Page and read some of the articles on my site. If they help you, consider scheduling a call with me and potentially registering for a training.

Pretty simple, right?

Thanks for reading this page…now get to work! 🙂

Schedule a Free 15 minute Consult

Schedule a call to discuss the training and have your questions answered.
