One of the most important aspects in a room is colour matching. The best way to ensure the match with your existing paint and furniture palette is to collect swatches and bring those colours into End Of The Roll. This way you can compare the different tones and shades and determine whether the lighter or darker option may be preferable.
We can also provide samples of many of our products, so be sure to ask a Flooring Advisor whether you can take a small piece home to help you visualize the result. If we can, we will be more than happy to oblige.
Online, there are some supplier websites that offer to mail out samples of their flooring, so that may also be of interest to those who have the time and patience to wait for samples in the mail. Take a look at this comprehensive list of the Brands available at End Of The Roll, and you'll find links to their websites.
Flooring today has truly become a designer's dream, with such a huge selection of colours, styles, and textures available in all of the different flooring categories. Where perhaps you once thought that tile would be the only option for your bathroom, now there are vinyls and luxury vinyls that may better suit your preferences, and which usually have the benefit of greater affordability.
The world of flooring has come a long way in the last few years and it's definitely worth taking a trip in to an End Of The Roll store to see for yourself. We have so many different types of flooring in stock, and the benefit is that you can truly feel and see what you will be getting, as opposed to working with tiny samples and hoping that the big picture works out for the best.
Let's work together and get started on making your dreams of new flooring an attainable reality.